A Campus course to explore the association between endometriosis and infertility through an exploration of recent epidemiological, pathological and clinical findings. Participants were invited to submit an abstract for poster presentation.
The Asian Society of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis (ASEA) in collaboration with Shiraz University of Medical Sciences is proud to invite you to the Sixth Asian Congress on Endometriosis and the Sixth International Congress on Minimally Invasive Surgery to be held in Shiraz
8-11 Mayis 2020 tarihinde Şanghay’da gerçekleşecek olan 14. Dünya Endometriozis Kongresi‘nin ortaklarından biri olarak sayın meslektaşlarımızı kongreye abstrakt göndermeye davet ediyoruz. Son göndermi tarihi 20 Ekim’e uzatılmıştır. https://endometriosis.ca/world-congress/wce2020/ Erken kayıt için son gün 28 Ocak 2020’dir.